About Us

The Ionia County Career Center provides Ionia County students the opportunity for career and technical education programs. The center operates 10 state-approved programs. Classes are a combination of academics and hands-on, project-based learning giving students the knowledge and experience they need to secure their first-time job or begin college. The center is located in the Ionia Educational Center, along with Ionia High School, Douglas R. Welch High School, and the YMCA.


Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is at the forefront of preparing students to be “career- and college -ready.” CTE equips students with:

  • core academic skills and the ability to apply those skills to concrete situations in order to function in the workplace and in routine daily activities
  • employability skills (such as critical thinking and responsibility) that are essential in any career area
  • job-specific, technical skills related to a specific career pathway

CTE provides an excellent option that will lead to high skill, high wage & high demand jobs. CTE keeps kids in school; Michigan CTE students graduate in four years of high school 93% of the time compared to non-CTE students that graduate 79% of the time in four years. CTE helps give Ionia County the skilled workforce necessary to attract new business & industry.