Plant & Animal Science

1 or 2 Year Program

The Plant/Animal Science program will prepare students for careers or further study in the areas of horticulture and animal science. Areas of study include: sustainable agriculture, agri-business, horticulture, greenhouse systems, environmental science, as well as, animal anatomy/physiology, nutrition, reproduction, and health.  Students will raise poinsettias, Easter lilies, annual bedding plants, chickens, pheasants, cattle, pigs, salmon and/or tilapia. Upon completion of the program, students will have a basic awareness of agriculture and animal science and will know how the diversity of products in agriculture leads to future opportunities in the field. All students participate in the Ionia County FFA Chapter and will have opportunities to compete at local, state and national levels.

Success Indicators

Success Indicators are recommendations of benchmarks that students should have to be successful when enrolled in this Career & Technical Education course.

Center-Wide Success Indicators

  • Regular Attendance
  • Shows Initiative
  • Willingness to Learn
  • Credit Healthy
  • Transportation: Students may have the opportunity to participate in work-based learning experiences, which would require the student to provide transportation to and from the work site.

Program-Specific Success Indicators

  • Academic
    • Reading: Grade level reading ability extremely helpful; Frequent use of scientific names and vet terms.
    • Writing: Ability to write at grade level. Frequent writing in the form of technical reports, journals and research and response papers.
    • Math: Algebra; Ability to figure rations, measurement, fertilizer math problems utilizing fractions and decimals.
    • Memorization/Note Taking: Ability to memorize terminology and anatomy of plants and animals. Good note taking ability.
    • Technology: Ability to use Google apps such as Google Classroom, Drive, Docs, Slides; navigate websites; utilize FFA website
  • Physical
    • Physical: Be able to work in outdoor environments; lift heavy objects; physical labor of caring for plants and animals.
    • Clothing/Special Equipment: Outdoor shoes/boots, clothing for work in the barn and greenhouse.
    • Fine Motor Skills/Coordinator: Manual dexterity for working with small objects in the greenhouse. Students will be in settings with continual exposure to animals, dust, mold, bees and other environmental allergens.
  • Other
    • FFA: Dress pants/skirt, white shirt and black dress shoes required for FFA competitions.
    • Animal Education: This is animal science, not simply an animal lover’s class; therefore, handling and interacting with live animals is a core component, but it is not the overriding goal of animal science education.  Some animals in class will be processed for meat.
    • Attendance: Regular attendance is critical to student success. Students will work in many cooperative situations.


  • Landscape Assistant
  • Greenhouse Laborer
  • Veterinary Technician
  • Farm Hand
  • Sales Representative
  • Gardener
  • Animal Caretaker
  • Agriculture Instructor

Additional Info on Careers, Wages & More

Articulated College Credits

Students must complete a full year (2 semesters) in the program earning a B (3.0) or higher grade each semester to be eligible.

Current List of Articulated College Credits

Embedded High School Credits

Career center programs offer the student the opportunity to receive high school academic credit upon program completion. Students MUST be a program completer to earn these credits. A program completer is defined as a student who has completed all 12 segments of the curriculum AND earned a 2.0 (C) or higher GPA per semester in the program. Credits are granted by the student's local high school and determined by their counselor.

View Embedded Credits for this Program

Jason Griffith
Tiffany Miller