Academic Credit


Articulated College Credits

Articulation is a process that allows students to earn free college credit for skills and knowledge mastered in career and technical education programs completed during high school. Articulation recognizes outstanding academic performance, eliminates needless repetition of equivalent work, saves time and money, and promotes further education. Students must complete a full year (2 semesters) of a career center program with a B (3.0) or better GPA per semester to be eligible.

How do I apply?

Make an appointment with the Student Services Coordinator to complete the articulated credit application.


  • Complete a full year (2 semesters) of a career center program with a B (3.0) or better GPA
  • Apply to the community college/college/university
  • Fill out the articulation application with the Student Services Coordinator
  • Send a final high school transcript to the college

List of Articulated College Credits

By CTE Program

By College

Earn Credit for Industry Credentials

Michigan Transfer Network


Embedded High School Credits

Career Center programs offer the student the opportunity to receive high school academic credit upon program completion. For the purposes of earning embedded Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) credits towards graduation if the student meets the local high school's definition of passing then this meets the intent of the law. 12 segments or PCCs must be completed with a passing grade for these options to occur.

List of High School Credits by Program 

Do you have questions about academic credit?

Contact our Student Services Coordinator!