Criminal Justice

1 Year Program

Criminal Justice provides a broad overview of criminal law and procedures necessary for continued education in the fields of law enforcement, probation, parole, corrections, investigation, private security, and other criminal justice related careers.  Students will be exposed to law, ethics, investigations, physical conditioning, first aid, defensive tactics, patrol and police skills. Activities in this class include: Red Man defensive tactics, Traffic Stops, Taser Exposure, Jail Tour, Simunition Firearm Scenarios, Teen Court, Pepper Spray Exposure, and Central Dispatch internships & Job Shadow opportunities.

Success Indicators

Success Indicators are recommendations of benchmarks that students should have to be successful when enrolled in this Career & Technical Education course.

Center-Wide Success Indicators

  • Regular Attendance
  • Shows Initiative
  • Willingness to Learn
  • Credit Healthy
  • Transportation: Students may have the opportunity to participate in work-based learning experiences, which would require the student to provide transportation to and from the work site.

Program-Specific Success Indicators

  • Academic
    • Reading: Grade level reading ability extremely helpful; all texts are college and/or professional level; frequent use of legal terminology.
    • Writing: Grade level writing ability suggested; frequent writing assignments associated with reading text. Course requires the ability to demonstrate logical reasoning and critical thinking; to be successful, students must understand the relationship between concepts.
    • Math: Basic math skills are required. Assignments are tailored to real world scenarios.
    • Memorization/Note Taking: Good note taking ability is helpful, as each unit builds on previous knowledge.
    • Recommended Courses: Computers, Government, Sociology, Psychology, U.S. History, Communication, English
  • Physical Requirements
    • Physical: There is physical training.  While students aren't evaluated on physical ability, basic physical health is necessary for participation. Students are required to put forth their best effort.
    • Fine Motor Skills/Coordination: Necessity of these skills depends on future career goals within the profession. Spatial Awareness Observation of surroundings, critical thinking and problem solving skills are suggested.
  • Other
    • Related Interests: Law, Police, Courts, Corrections, Protective Services, Government, Military, Social Work, Forensic Science
    • Technology Skills: Ability to use a Chromebook to complete assignments electronically and utilize Google Classroom.  A smartphone with access to data is suggested for communication with instructor after hours.
    • Classroom Instructional Methods/Time: Lecture, daily practice, class discussions, physical training; independent study/personal responsibility, online computer assignments and assessments; problem-solving using accident and criminal investigation scenarios, criminal scenarios, ethical dilemmas & treatment plans. The course is taught at a college level; articulated college credit is available.


  • Police Officer
  • EMT
  • Probation/Parole Officer
  • Firefighter
  • Sheriff’s Officer/Deputy
  • Security
  • Corrections Officer

Additional Info on Careers, Wages & More

Articulated College Credits

Students must complete a full year (2 semesters) in the program earning a B (3.0) or higher grade each semester to be eligible.

Current List of Articulated College Credits

Embedded High School Credits

Career center programs offer the student the opportunity to receive high school academic credit upon program completion. Students MUST be a program completer to earn these credits. A program completer is defined as a student who has completed all 12 segments of the curriculum AND earned a 2.0 (C) or higher GPA per semester in the program. Credits are granted by the student's local high school and determined by their counselor.

View Embedded Credits for this Program

Denny Ferguson
Mamie Thayer