Build Up

All children grow and learn at their own rate. However, there are predictable windows of time when children develop skills that are considered within the typical range. If your child is between the ages of 3 and 5 and you are concerned that they are not meeting their milestones or that they are having difficulty learning, you can ask for help. You can check the Center for Disease Control's website to learn more about skills your child should be doing for his age and how to help them. These skills encompass a variety of areas of development including cognitive (thinking), communication (speech and language), social/emotional (interactions and feelings), independence (self-help), and physical (vision, hearing, and movement).
Skills developed in the first 5 years of life set the stage for later learning and school success. If you have concerns about how your preschooler is learning you can make a referral to Build Up. Build Up is an outreach program that will determine if your child would benefit from a special education evaluation to learn more about his development and learning needs. If your child is eligible for special education he/she may receive a variety of programs and services designed to strengthen his foundation of skills before he starts school.
If you live within the Ionia County ISD (ie. Belding, Ionia, Lakewood, Portland, Saranac, Haynor, North LeValley, Coon) school districts and have concerns about your child’s development. You can make a referral to Build Up for further evaluation by clicking on the "make a referral" link below. You can either make a referral online to Ionia ISD or print off a form to fax or mail in. All referrals will be sent to your local school district for follow up.
If you live outside of the district or are unsure what district you are in, you can also make a referral to the state website at
Click here to learn more about Build Up and resources available to you.