
Severely Cognitively Impaired Classrooms (SCI)

There are four SCI classrooms housed at Freedom Acres School. These classrooms serve students ages 2-26 years with a wide range of cognitive and physical impairments. Classroom programs are designed to improve gross and fine motor skills, self-care skills, communication and social skills. Almost all activities require assistance from staff, which is comprised of one teacher and several health care aides. Additionally, therapists service students in the specific areas of speech (communication – both verbal and non-verbal), physical therapy (gross motor and range of motion activities), and occupational therapy (fine motor and sensory activities). A primary goal of all classrooms is to help each student achieve his/her own level of independence. The classroom atmosphere is both fun and nurturing for these students with special needs.

Moderately Cognitively Impaired Classrooms (MoCI)

Freedom Acres operates four programs for this population. All programs are located outside of Freedom Acres School. The Primary MoCI classroom located at Emerson Elementary serves students from 6-13 years of age. Emphasis is placed on basic academics and readiness activities. Self-care skills, pre-vocational skills, and social awareness skills are also a part of the program.

The middle school MoCI classroom works on basic academics such as sight reading, telling time, counting, and personal information to name a few. Personal hygiene is a self-care skill that is an important part of this program as well. Finally, instruction is also given in the area of pre-vocational skills, social and leisure skills including community awareness.

The high school MoCI classroom focuses on preparing students for life after school. The curriculum is functionally based, dealing with social, academics, health, community-based instruction, vocational and pre-vocational skills.

Students in the above classrooms are integrated into regular non-academic classes in each school as determined by their individual plan. All programs have a teacher and several health care aides who provide instruction, along with ISD therapists who service students for specific needs.

The Adult MoCI program is located at 201 E. Main Street and is often referred to as the “House” program. The Independent Living Center (ILC) program focuses on independence in home living skills (cooking, cleaning, shopping), community involvement and independence, and vocational programming.

Severely Emotionally Impaired (SEI)

There are three classrooms located at Freedom Acres School for students with emotional impairments. They accommodate students from elementary to high school age. Focus is on guiding students toward improving their problem solving skills and self-esteem, as well as promoting positive behaviors. To this end, a positive behavior management program is used with the students in addition to a time out / quiet room. Academics are an important part of all classrooms. Three teachers and several health care aides staff this program.