Heifer International
Heifer education will be operational shortly. You can order free global education kits, print out crossword puzzles, word searches and other resources. Kids can play games online.
Global TeachNet
Global TeachNet is a quarterly teacher resource from the global education networks of the National Peace Corps Association and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. It’s a great resource for learning about what’s available in global education, such as lesson plans, book and film reviews, conferences, trips, free resources, and ways to be involved globally.
There are many free resources to download, including the Oxfam Fast for a World Harvest.
World Food Day
World Food Day is October 16. This website shows you how to get involved.
Peace Corps World Wise Schools
World Wise Schools matches Peace Corps Volunteers in the field with U.S. classroom teachers through its Correspondence Match program. Students or 4-H members can learn about the people, geography, environment, and culture of the world from the direct experience of volunteers living in other countries. World Wise Schools also offers other resources such as lesson plans, podcasts, slide shows, and more.
Facing the Future
Facing the Future researches and writes global issue and sustainability curriculum materials and provides training on teaching about global issues, sustainability, and service learning. Many free resources are available on their website.
Merry Merrifield listserv
Sign up for the listserv to receive frequent updates about global happenings and resources.
Ecological Footprint
Take the ecological footprint quiz and explore other resources on this website. There are many other websites with information on ecological footprints; just google.
The Story of Stuff
“The Story of Stuff” is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our producton and consumption patterns. The video can be viewed on line or you can order it. There is also a Story of Stuff newsletter available free; just sign up.
Population Connection
National Geographic for Educators
MSU Center for Latin American Studies
MSU Latin American site for teachers
MSU Africa Studies Center
MSU Africa for Educators site
MSU Asian Studies Center
MSU Center for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
Population Reference Bureau
Donate Rice, increase vocabulary
International Education and Resource Network
United Nations Works
(This has curriculum to go with the videos at ISD.)
Oxfam UK
United Nations Cyber Schoolbus