Trailblazers Disabled Sports Team
Who are we?
We are a team of athletes with various physical disabilities who compete annually in the Michigan Victory Games, the regional games for Michigan. The Trailblazers are members of the Michigan Disability Sports Alliance (MiDSA). As members of the MiDSA, we accept anyone within Ionia County with a diagnosed physical disability—you must be in 2nd or 3rd grade to passively participate and in 4th grade or older to actively compete at the regional games. We are not affiliated with Special Olympics. For more information, see our brochure and/or contact Jim Lóser (616) 527-4900, x1404. You can also find us on Facebook.
Our Mission Statement:
Our mission is to provide competitive opportunities for those with physical disabilities, which are designed not only to increase self-esteem and improve physical well being, but also to enhance positive relationships between athletes, their parents, adult volunteers, and the community.
Where are we from?
We represent all of the following school districts in Ionia County:
- Belding Area Schools
- Ionia Public Schools
- Lakewood Public Schools
- Portland Public Schools
- Saranac Community Schools