Transition Central
Transitions Central is located at 601 E. Washington Street in Ionia.
This training site is designed to help provide the necessary support and training for adult learners with mild disabilities who are not quite ready to meet the demands of life after high school. It is intended to help make the needed connections with post school adult agencies, programs, supports, and activities that will make our adult learners transition into life after school easier and more meaningful. Transition Central concentrates its work in the three areas of Transition:
- Employment: Adult learners will explore employment options and local employment supports. This includes Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Community Mental Health, and Goodwill. Skills include how to obtain and maintain employment, including:
- Entrepreneurship
- Volunteerism
- Independent and supported work settings.
- Community Involvement: Participants have the opportunity to explore different recreation and leisure activities available in their communities and how to make necessary connections. This will also be a time for adult learners to practice safety, transportation, money, and social skills in local surroundings.
- Home Living: Adult learners will work on learning life skills such as the following:
- Cooking
- Laundry
- Housekeeping
- Phone Skills
- Time Management
- Money Skills
- Finding Housing
Criteria: This training site services adult learners who have completed their local high school requirements but need additional support to develop competitive work, social and life skills. They must meet the following criterion:
- Must be a minimum of 18 years of age upon entrance to the training site;
- Will be evaluated annually and expected to reach their goals within two years;
- Must have completed their high school academic requirements;
- Must show evidence that they will be safe and secure within the community, without educational staff present; and
- Must show evidence of the potential for competitive employment, including a desire to work.
Referral Process: Referrals are to be initiated at the local district level. Please adhere to the following steps:
- Contact your local Employment Training Specialist (ETS). The ETS will interview the current high school student and complete a transition assessment (if one has not already been completed) then contact Mark Sly, Supervisor (
- Upon receipt of the transition assessment, the student and family if interested, will be scheduled for a visit to Transition Central.
- Transition staff will then review the information and talk with the local Transition Coordinator and caseload teacher about the options available to the student.
- Typically adult learners attend for up to two years but may decide, upon reaching their specific goals, to exit the training site sooner.